FREE ring? Old school fun, or just crashing.
If you want a FREE Lantern Corps ringfrom the classic multi-color days, stopin and ask Bob (while supplies last).This is like Green Lantern, but includesother color options. Colorful DC plasticrings…not precious metals. Dan dropped off some stuff to me lastnight. […]

Building sold, counters, displays, comics, etc for sale!
I do miss you. I have missed you.And, I will miss you. That said, the display racks,counters, your pull and holdcomics are for sale right now.We have sold the store and lotsof product. We need to finishselling and moving everythingout […]

FREE Comic Book Day May 4 starts at Midnight
Free Comic Book Day Midnight Send-Off!75 % OFF BACK ISSUE SALE! We will be opening for this huge sale at 10:30 p.m. on Friday May 3rd and then commence giving out FREE Comics at Midnight. Additionally, check out all the […]

The fourth is with us, FREE Comic Book Day! May 4
The fourth is with us this FREEComic Book Day…sure we alwayshave Star Wars in the store andusually at least some FREE StarWars for FCBD, but for those onthe lookout we have a classiclimited print available. Wed-Sat, April 24-27 Buy three MTG Play boosters getone FREE draft booster pack 40% OFF all Roleplaying systems (including D&D) 45% off anything Star Wars 45% off action figuresand board games We sold a lot of posters last week,but there is still a big selectionLots of classic and cool posterspreviously $6-10 retail now only$1.50 each while supplies last. Dan will be opening up at10:30pm, May 3 for a super saleto usher in FREE Comic Book Daywith FREE comics at the strokeof Midnight. We will close at 1:30am andreopen 9am with more FREE. Current Hours Wed 12:30pm until 6:30pmThurs 12:30pm until 6:30 pmFri 12pm until 5pmSat 12pm until 5pm The Outer Limits, 1120 Burton SWWyoming, MI 49509 616-204-6716 Jesus answered and said unto them,This is the work of God, that ye believeon him whom he hath sent. John 6:29

FCBD…FREE Mini Art Books
Look forward to great miniArt books available on FREE ComicBook Day. Come in and ask for yourart book when you pick up yourFREE Comic Books. Lots of classic and cool posterspreviously $6-10 retail now only$1.50 each while supplies last.Come in […]
New Comic Day!
Stop by the stores on May 2, 2015 for Free Comic Day and pick up some special issues of your favorite comics just for the event!
The Weird Review interview with with Rooster Teeth’s Jack Pattillo on Red Vs. Blue
Sunday afternoon at the 2012 Toronto Fan Expo, after I interviewed the folks from Dead Before Dawn 3D movie, I wandered over to the Rooster Teeth/Red vs. Blue booth and observed Rooster Teeth’s Jack Pattillo and his crew interact with their […]
White Cap Comics and The Outer Limits now offer Digital Comics
Click on the Digital Comic Store link above and you can now shop in our Digital Comic Store.