Free Comic Book Day Midnight Send-Off!

We will be opening for this huge sale at 10:30 p.m. on Friday May 3rd and then commence giving out FREE Comics at Midnight.
Additionally, check out all the great specials:
75% off back issue in the boxes
50% off variant comics in the boxes
40% off shelf comics (current two weeks not included in special)
75 cents each for paperback novels
75 cents each for vhs tapes
The store will remain open until 1:30 am
and open at 9am for the continuation of Free Comic Book Day.
The above specials will also be available from 9am until Noon.
There will be other specials available in the afternoon until
the close of FREE Comic Book Day at 5pm:
30% OFF trade paperbacks
30% OFF Coloring Books
25% OFF Pokemon Boosters
30% OFF Action Figures
50% OFF paperback novels
Stop by for all of this at The Outer Limits
1120 Burton SW, Wyoming, MI 49509