
Games => Got Game? => Topic started by: jonathansample on June 03, 2010, 09:40:24 AM

Title: Pathfinder Adventures with Tabletop Epics!
Post by: jonathansample on June 03, 2010, 09:40:24 AM
Good day, all!

If you're in need of a good adventuring party comprised of gamers new and experienced, and you would like to play in a massive home-brewed campaign setting inspired by the epics of the ancient north and the writing of J.R.R. Tolkien, look no further!

Tabletop Epics! is a Grand Rapids based group of gamers who gather when we can to play any game that pulls our interest. We've been together now for close to a year, playing primarily with the Pathfinder RPG rules set. We look forward to exploring many other rules sets over the years with Game Masters (DM's if you'd like) who have been in the hobby for more than a decade. Such rules sets include Dungeons and Dragons 1st edition, Rifts, Shadowrun (3rd Edition), Vampire: The Dark Ages, Mage: The Ascension, Castles and Crusades, Star Wars RPG (both Saga Edition and West End Games edition), and many, many more. We also play card and board games whenever we can.

Our current adventures in Pathfinder take place in a diverse, richly detailed home-brew setting where the party has begun to find their way into a tangle of racial conflict between the age old elves of a wood where the energies of creation still abide and a human barony who, in spite of the progress they've shown for their kind, has begun to tighten their oppressive grip on an area shared by many ancient peoples. Feel free to join us in the quest to discover the histories and secrets of the peoples of the game world and battle the dangers that lie very close to the brave party of adventurers.

I'd be glad to respond to any email inquiries that you may have, and I know we'd be glad to have you in our game. For more information on Tabletop Epics! please look for our upcoming newsletter which will detail our group's gaming news along with local gaming information, all in an attempt to unite the Grand Rapids, MI Gaming Community. Please also check out our GM's blog at: